In this project, our class worked to create an interesting plaster sculpture that created a sense of texture, and as a result I made this sculpture. While working with this sculpture I did run into many problems, the majority of which was the lack of interest and flow this sculpture had. It had many interesting qualities to it, but was so segmented that it did not flow and work together to create one piece of art, but rather many different smaller pieces of art. To connect these qualities, I created a beam, connecting the left to the right, the front to the back. But as I did so, it still lacked abstracted qualities and the flow I was looking for, so I added another level to give the sculpture a sense of depth. Then I was left with another simple, but very large problem. We were working to create a sculpture that portrays texture, and I did not have texture. In this process of using the many tools I did to create a basic outline of the sculpture, I found one to create a particular interesting sense of texture, and that was the cylindrical grater. So after completing, the basics of my sculpture, I used the grater to create a sense of depth and texture, which shown to be very interesting in the light when taking picture because the contrast between light and dark in this picture, really captures the texture and overall objective of the project.
Towards the beginning of this project, I found myself wanting to work with skinnier, smaller sculptures, but along the way discovered that I preferred using sculptures with a larger base, for it allowed for more interesting qualities such as depth, and more space for texture and abstract qualities. But in hindsight, I think that I would have liked to play a little more with a sense of balance, potentially creating a more interactive piece of art. But for a mid-project concept change and the end result created by that change in concept, I am very pleased with my work and believe that I has allowed to create more interesting line quality and given me a better perspective on textures. Due to this newfound perspective on textures, I believe that it will not only help me in future sculpting projects, but all art projects and pieces across the board.